Email Marketing

Email marketing is an extremely effective strategy to communicate and build relationships with a diverse list of contacts. It is the most efficient way to push out targeted, timely and impactful messages to your propsects and customers on a regular basis.

Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

Here’s how your business can derive benefits from developing permission-based and measurable email campaigns:

  • Increase top-of-mind brand awareness with consistent targeted email campaigns
  • Promote new services, products, news
  • Drive traffic with and and encourage trial sales with coupons or special seasonal offers
  • Promote your next meeting or sales event
  • Promote social media channels
  • Promote thought leadership with added value content and trends
  • Remind your customers, members, and clients of the value your business provides
  • Measure ROI with strong metrics

Some Simple Advantages of email marketing in your marketing mix include:

  • A refined mailing list distributes information to a wide range of specific, potential customers at a relatively low cost.
  • Compared to other media investments such as direct mail or printed newsletters, it is less expensive.
  • An exact ROI can be tracked (“track to basket”) and has proven to be high when done properly.
  • Email marketing is often reported as second only to Search Marketing as the most effective online marketing tactic.
  • It’s instant. As opposed to a mailed advertisement, an email arrives in a few seconds or minutes.
  • It “pushes” the message to its audience, as opposed to a website that waits for customers to come in.
  • These can be used to measure open rates, positive or negative responses, correlate sales with marketing.
  • Generate repeat business affordably and automatically.
  • Over half of Internet users check or send email on a typical day.
  • Specific types of interaction with messages can trigger subsequent messages to be automatically delivered.
  • Specific types of interaction with messages can trigger other events such as updating the profile of the recipient to indicate a specific interest